These books are published FREE in the public interest.

They are written for the layman.

You have not been told the full truth about debt, money and our economic mess.

I hope this will help you understand what the hell is going on.

What Is Money?

Will give you a thorough understanding of money, what it is and how it is supposed to work. Fogginess about money itself has enabled a vast scam to be hidden "in plain view,"so to speak.

Fleecing The Flock

A brief history of money. This will also help you to understand how we have arrived at the economic mess that threatens our survival today, in the same way one might trace the origins and progress of a virus that eventually kills its host.

The Worm In The Apple

This book will lay before you the great Money Hoax that holds the world in economic chaos and in the thrall of hidden money powers.

The Spoils of War

Will give you further insight into the great Money Hoax and how the Money Powers use their control of the world's money supply to crete profitable wars.

Age of Prosperity

Once you have achieved an understanding of the Hoax, you will begin to see the possibilities that open up, once we rather easily correct a deliberate, concealed error right at the core of our economy.

Creating Chaos.

For how recessions are created, read this book

And may you never be fooled again!
